I am a boutique wedding & lifestyle portrait photographer living and working in the DC-metro area. This is my blog. It showcases my favorite images of brides & grooms and kids with their families having some of the best days of their lives. You can reach me at 703.421.1646 or on my cell at 415.286.1286. My email is info@lindacrayton.com. My site is www.lindacrayton.com.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

new blog, coming right up!

I'm not here anymore. I finally got around to it and made a new blog for myself in Wordpress. Here's the link:


Now if I can only get to my website and update that too.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow, Snow, Snow and a little angel

The second big snow storm to hit VA was even better and bigger than the first in December. The trees still have their snow on them, even though it stopped snowing yesterday. And we are still stuck at home--Kev tried to get out the driveway, and despite 4WD, he got only 50 feet. And then had to dig his out of being stuck. So we are waiting for the plow--we *could* be shoveling, but I think we're done. 4 hours and we hardly touched it. And this is after the plow visiting twice during the storm. What a fun, beautiful, lovely white mess. The best part was walking right down our very busy road. It reminded me a living in NYC years ago when Guiliano shut down the city. Being pulled down Park Avenue on a sled by a girlfriend will forever being imprinted in my brain.

I met the sweetest little Angel Avry and got to see Noah again. Avry is beautiful. Mike and Erin are doing beautifully. And Noah is going right along, learning and growing. He is the sweetest little guy, still struggling with complications from being shaken at his daycare last April, but he is doing great. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, February 5, 2010

6 days old and counting

Meeting up with the Wodas again was more sweetness in my life. Their lively home is even more full of fun with a boy and a girl. Shooting two-year olds is always exciting, and this little one gave me the full range of emotions. I love that stuff. And their little baby girl:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

2010 starts off sweet

I am cruising through 2010 with some great sessions, fun times with the girls (including a ski weekend starting tomorrow), and I'm sticking with my New Year's resolutions, mostly.

Every year I find I have to turn away too much business in the fall and still I stressed. I can't manage all my balls in my air with the grace I want. I learned to say "no" much more in 2009, learned to maybe not take things so personally, but I still haven't learned to not be stressed. So for 2010 I vowed to devote some time to meditation almost every day AND get on my mat. And breath. Talk from my heart. I finally opened a good book which gives me incredible daily words of wisdom, and sometimes it talks so honestly to me I am afraid to admit it.

So check in with me in the fall to see how I'm holding up...

This is the third time I've met up with Penelope, and she just keeps getting more and more scrumptious. Just look at her:

These peeps are a riot and I love meeting up with them, from their wedding to their now THREE girls. Go Ruizes Go!

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